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OXO Boosts Translation Efficiency and Increases Productivity with Memsource

Success Story
OXO Innovations Logo
Memsource has really made our lives easier while boosting our productivity.
Riteba McCallum, Language Lead at OXO Innovations
Riteba McCallum

Language Lead, OXO Innovations

OXO is a fast-expanding language service provider and has been a Memsource customer since early 2018. With offices in both Montreal and Rio, OXO specializes in French, English, Spanish, and Portuguese but also offers services in all major language pairs. Their client base ranges from small enterprises to big multinationals, covering sectors including IT, marketing, and legal.

Speed and Quality Are a Priority

OXO pride themselves on offering excellent service and so need to be able to translate any file format they receive, whether it is a Word document or an InDesign file. And they must do so quickly, without compromising on quality and consistency to meet their clients’ tight deadlines and justifiably high standards. Their workflow has to be as efficient and effective as possible while making sure that all the OXO project managers, based in both Brazil and Canada, are following the same processes.

More CAT Tools, More Work

Before Memsource, OXO used several different server-based CAT (computer-assisted translation) tools. French-to-English translators were using one tool while English-to-French translators were using another, which meant project managers spent their days switching back and forth between different platforms. At times, they didn’t use a CAT tool at all and simply translated into a Word document, relying on glossaries in Google Drive instead of having term bases.

Towards Scalability, Mobility, and Automated Workflows

“We wanted to centralize and homogenize our workflow for greater efficiency by getting everyone on the same tool and using it consistently,” said Riteba McCallum, Language Lead at OXO.

Their main TMS (translation management system) requirements were:

  • Reasonable price
  • Compatibility with Mac
  • An integration with Plunet
  • User-friendliness

After trying out other tools, they found that Memsource fit the criteria. Riteba also noted that Memsource is user-friendly and intuitive; it has exactly what they need, is not overcomplicated with unnecessary features, and is great for translators.

“Our translators don’t need to buy expensive licenses to be able to work with us, nor do they need to be experienced with Memsource, as it’s very intuitive. This facilitates collaboration with external resources and widens the pool of translators we can work with. Also, since Memsource is cloud-based, it can be used from anywhere on any computer – translators can work from home or even while traveling,” said Riteba.

Scalability was also an important factor when choosing Memsource. “We now have 10 active translators per project manager, which is plenty for our needs at the moment, and it is very easy to scale up as we grow by purchasing another Project Manager license,” added Riteba.

25% Time Saved Thanks to Automation

Memsource has helped OXO become more efficient and organized and made it easier for them to keep translations consistent. “Previously, we’d have to take extra time to search through past translations and glossaries. With translation memories and term bases, these steps are automated for us,” said Riteba. By using templates, automatic notifications, and assigning multiple resources to a project, OXO has been able to further automate their workflow, resulting in an estimated 25% time saved.

Thanks to Memsource’s advanced REST API, OXO is able to sell their services to companies with more complex systems. OXO has also benefited from the variety of file formats supported by Memsource. They can offer their clients added-value services, such as desktop publishing and translating subtitles, which would not have been possible in the past.

“Whether we’re talking about translators, revisers, or project managers, Memsource has really made our lives easier while boosting our productivity. It offers everything we’re looking for in a CAT tool, and we’re confident that it will continue to meet our evolving needs as we scale up and grow as a company,” concluded Riteba.

Want a scalable solution for your growing translation company? Contact us